About the Department

About the Department of Political Science

The department of Political Science has been started its journey under The University of Burdwan from the year of 1985.Then, there was provision to teach only in Degree Course General. And in the year of 2003, the Honours Course has been introduced. From the academic session of the 2017-2018 has gone under the Bankura University.

The teachers of the department are serving their duties to the students to their almost efforts. Both the teachers and the students took part in seminar, organized by the department. Valuable Political Science books were purchased for the College library. There is aslo a Departmental Library. From the very beginning, Associate Prof. Usha Rani Sen had nourished the department with ardent love and care. At present there are only Two whole time teachers & one State Aided College Teacher (SACT) in the department. All the teachers are trying to serve the interests of the students, and also the department has been able to maintain its uniqueness.

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing”.…………….Socrates.

Infrastructural Facilities

a) Dedicated Classrooms

b) Departmental Teachers’ Room

c) Thousands of Books in College Central Library

d) Departmental Library for students

e) Smart Classroom with ICT Facility