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KANYASHREE PRAKALPA 2024-25   ||  CHIEF MINISTER SCHOLARSHIP 2024-25   ||  SWAMI VIVEKANANDA SCHOLARSHIP 2024-25   ||  SWAMI VIVEKANANDA SCHOLARSHIP 2024-25   ||  SWAMI VIVEKANANDA SCHOLARSHIP FRESH (2024-25)   ||  "Examination Form fill-up for UG (NEP Honours & Programme) Semester III & V students AY-2024-25"   ||  Chief Minister Scholarship    ||  AIKYASHREE SCHOLARSHIP   ||  AIKYASHREE SCHOLARSHIP   ||  KANYASHREE NOTICE    ||  KANYASHREE NOTICE   ||  KANYASHREE PRAKALPA   ||  GURU NANAK BIRTHDAY    ||  KANYASHREE PRAKALPA    ||  OASIS SCHOLARSHIP   ||  KANYASHREE NOTICE   ||  KANYASHREE NOTICE (Physical verification)   ||  KANYASHREE NOTICE 2024-25   ||  SCHEDULE OF PHASE II (MOP UP ROUND)   ||  Urgent Notice for Physical Verification of Admission Documents-2   ||  Notice for Physical Verification of Admission Documents, 2024-25   ||  Notification for New Admission AY 2024-25 by Government of West Bengal   ||  College Notice for New Admission AY 2024-25   ||  Examination Form fill-up for UG Semester II, IV & VI students in relation to UG Even Semester Examination of the A.Y. 2023– 24   ||  Notice for International Yoga Day   ||  Notice for observation of World Environment Day, Barjora College   ||  Notice for observation of World No Tobacco Day   ||  College closing notice due to the presence of police force for Lokshabha Election   ||  Holiday on Account of Rabindranath Thakur Birthday   ||